A root vegetable. One of a large variety of roots grown for their sugar or
for fodder, the small red sweet beet is used for salads or vegetable
dishes. Dark purple-red tops and large, dark green leaves. Early or
new-crop beets are usually sold with tops attached: late crop beets are
usually sold topped. The tops are also edible.
Varieties There are green-leaf and red-leaf
varieties, thee only difference being in the color of the leaf since the
root is pretty much the same. Golden Beets are orange in color and a
more recent variety that is gaining in popularity due to their sweetness
and more
delicate flavor.
Select Firm, young beets with good color.
Store in refrigerator in vegetable compartment or in a plastic bag and use
within 2 weeks. Peak June to October.
Storage Beets may
begin to sprout or decay if they are stored at high temperatures. For best
quality, maintain storage temperature of 32-36 degrees F, 0-2 degrees C,
and 90-98% relative humidity for 7 days or less. Low air circulation
may also promote decay; be sure to maintain adequate air circulation while
storing beets. Bunched beets are more perishable than topped beets.
Serve Hot, as a vegetable with meat, poultry, or fish. As a
separate vegetable course.
Cold, as a salad, relish or pickled with
meat, poultry or fish. In salads, as an appetizer or relish. Beets are
also used in soups
Complimenting Combinations Cloves,
sugar, dill, horseradish, orange sauce, vinegar, mustard, sour cream,
1 bunch, approximately 1 1/2 pounds,
will serve 4 persons.